Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 5

Sorry for the delay. The internet went down at the hotel but was brought back up just as we were leaving for dinner on Day 6.

Day Five
The morning began grey and overcast but the Lord provided again for us and we had a beautiful day, albeit, on the cool side. Today as we served the Lord, it was a day for CRAFTSMANSHIP. It began with a beautiful devotion led by our own Fred Schuck who got us motivated to get back to serving.
We began by visiting the Hillcrest AIDS Trust. This is a ministry started by the Methodist Church here in this area. HIV/AIDS is a devastating disease in South Africa. Many children are orphaned by it and many wives and women are infected by their husbands and other men. This ministry provides not only medical attention; it offers a venue for women to provide much needed income. There is income generated by arts and crafts works, mostly beadwork, as well as a plant nursery, sewing, and a thrift store. This ministry is seeking to share the love of the Lord with those who are truly hurting. The tour was an eye-opening experience and served to confirm the work we are doing through our own Christ’s Cupboard Food Pantry. We finished our visit by shopping in the craft shop. We took a lot of time there because there was so much to look at and we knew our purchases will go to helping those in need. Folks, perhaps you have some trinkets coming!
Because our morning was taken up by our trip, we didn’t have lots of time to accomplish things before we found ourselves confronted with lunch. Pastor K did some repair work on the work that he had done last year and was helped by Milt and Christie from Pittsburgh. At the Zonke, a playground of tires, some tires needed to be recemented into the ground and they were all given a fresh coat of paint.
Then the lunch bell rang. So we buckled down to eating the delicious food delivered to us. We have been very blessed by an incredible catering company here that delivers all our luncheons. The food for the most part is like our own, but with a definite South African touch. South Africans eat lots of fruits and vegetables but it goes down with lots of meats. Our luncheons have included wraps and sandwiches, but also lasagna and low mein. The ladies who deliver the food are incredibly gracious and kind. We were also visited by local craftswomen and craftsmen who displayed bead work and weaving. Perhaps you will see some from your loved ones once they get home.
The afternoon was time for our craftsmanship to be used. Team MLC got to work finishing the chicken run. It took some time to stretch the shade cloth over the top of the project, using zip ties to connect the edges to the fencing, the overhead cloth to the tension wires and nailing it down. Again we were blessed to have the hard work of our team as they stretched, pulled, nailed, and zipped! Another group completed the first of two nesting boxes for the chickens. During that time the sheathing was put around the chicken coop itself and the team at the houses poured the final cement pad. True craftsmanship was done by all.
At the end of the day we all split up into several small jobs – painting primer on the sheathing, moving some sand pile to a new area, and doing some finish work. We were so far ahead that we were able to call off work early and go to visit a local artisan’s house. Andrew Walford is a world famous potter. His house and studio are set in what is an exquisite setting with beautiful views, artwork, and some pretty neat dogs. Andrew’s art is unbelievable but a bit pricey (don’t look for much coming from there). His craftsmanship is truly a gift from God.
After returning to the church grounds we set about playing with the Zulu children who visit the community center everyday. They are hungry for loving attention and nobody minded giving it out in huge amounts. Julia and Shara also brought out some of the crafts of the sewing group at the community center which meets every Wed. although we missed them due to the voting yesterday. Afterwards, the ladies of the village church treated us to a feast of chicken, beef, maize meal, rice, spinach, butternut squash and fresh bread. We were blessed by their cooking craft!
Truly we have been blessed with the craftsmanship of our Lord God. We have seen today the beauty of His artistic powers through the hands of artisans and craftsman, the hands of cooks and how He has blessed our own hands to serve His children. May God bless you too as you go about your daily work, knowing that you are His craftsmanship in Christ Jesus.
In your prayers pray for Andrew Walford, he knows of Christ but has been led astray by Buddhism and Hinduism. Also include the women who come to the shelter to be served as well as the women and men who serve them. Also include our excellent guides, Gavin, Carl, and Alf, ask that the Lord would bless them as they are a blessing to so many. And pray for Pastor Thwala who travels tomorrow to a different region.

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